Sunday, February 7, 2010

Days 8 and 9

Day 8: 1/24/10
Today is worship services; I am really going to like Sundays not a whole lot going on and get to sleep in till 05:00. But mostly cause not much goes on, it’s mostly soldier time. I need to do laundry is what I need to do. I am getting sick of hand washing stuff in the sink. Another good thing about Sunday is on the way to church, we ride in a van and depending on the DS, they will crank up the music. Pretty cool.

The elderly missionaries here at church have this system set up to where people can email them at and put my name In the subject line, then write out the email and they will print in out and give ti to soldiers every Sunday. So everyone, write me! No excuses. I got 2 emails today one from Amy and one from my mom. Looks like snail mail takes about 6 days to get to UT/ID. It was wonderful receiving those. Probably better than getting the letters in the mail cause this will be all at once.

After worship services I started laundry. Then those of us who were doing laundry had to come up to the barracks and some of us needed to go on a cleaning detail. We had to rake our whole PT area.

Back to the laundry room I went after the detail was done. Had to come back out cause 1st SGT chewed us out for 3 soldiers leaving their weapons unaccounted for. Those 3 got a personal does of 1st SGT after the company left. Pretty much after that it has been cleaning the barracks and sriting letters.

Day 9: 1/25/10
Today started out waking up at 04:00. Formation at 05:00. We went to the PT field, which by the way it was drizzling, which was fun. We did CD-1 PT. which is a series of 10 exercises. They don’t really feel like they do much. Even while doing PT they want us to stay in an extended formation and everything has to be precise. We went on another run again. I swear we went slower than last time. I definitely need to move up to to the B running group.

And now here we are in a class again. They are passing out ID cards. And now we have another class which is very hard to stay awake in. Soldiers are popping up and moving to the back so they won’t get caught sleeping. We still have soldiers falling asleep though.

DS James is a little pissed off at us. In class during a break he asked if anyone wants to go home. One person raised his hand. Another wanted to talk to him (the one who didn’t shower), he may be gone soon as well. DS James I more pissed that we aren’t using discipline. In properly talking to NCO’s, standing in formation, ect.

Well those 2 soldiers are back. Wonder what DS James said to them. Find out later I’m sure.
So it looks like on soldier wants to leave for sure. He isn’t leaving right away either. Don’t know for sure. But he is pretty much screwed. Getting an Article 15 when he is 19. Good luck getting a real job. I guess there are 2 females who are “scratching” or cutting themselves to try and get out. Now they can’t carry their weapons so 2 other soldiers have to carry their weight. They aren’t getting out. They just have a profile and are made fun of by DS’s.

We pretty much had class and then on our march back we were taken to the PT field and smoked cause we pretty much suck. We can’t get the little things, which sucks cause that’s the easy stuff.

After the smoking we were done for the night. We were given homework to do. We had to write the Soldiers Creed 5 times and our chain of command 10 times. That’s what people did for the night. Shower time is the best. Even if all we did was sit in class, it’s the one time we have away from the DS’s and can relax.

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