So a couple days ago I get in my Durango to head to work, wouldnt you know it, the freaking thing would not start. After several tries it finally did start but ran as if it had to power, like the transmission was taking a dump on me or something. Well the check engine light came on, got the codes and one was the Crankshaft position sensor and then a generic code dealing with the tranny. Decided to solve the crankshaft position sensor so I turned to my trusty Chilton manual that is supposed to have everything you need to know about this particular vehicle. Well, the description of where it is located is so vague that I spent a good chunk of time trying to find this freaking sensor. "On the 4-cylinder engine the crankshaft postion sensor is mounted to the transmission bell housing. On the V6 and V8 engines, the crankshaft position sensor is bolted to the cylinder block near the rear of the right cylinder head". What the crap?!?! Then it goes on in its instructions on how to remove it:
"1. Remove the cleaner assembly if necessary for access to the sensor.
2. Disconnect the pigtail harness from the sensor.
3. Remove the nut holding the sensor wire clip to the fuel rail mounting stud. (What the??).
4. Remove the sensor mounting hardware, then the sensor.
5. Remove the clip from the sensor wire harness.".
Wow is all I got to say. First it tells me it is located in spot, then in the directions it goes off on some other place, what a turd of a manual. Anyways, I finally found the damn thing. Turns out it was located in the spot where it says it is for the 4-cylinder engine. Seriously, what a stupid manual. Sometime I wish I could meet the people who engineered cars and make these manuals and kick them right in the nuts. Wasted a good three hours or so trying to find this damn sensor. Once I replaced it, the thing fired right up. Had to clear the code and all is well. Stupid car...
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